About the 65241-33A
The 65241-33A module is a double pole circuit breaker that Reliance Electric developed and distributed. The 65241-33A circuit breaker is typically stocked at AX Control, even though it is no longer supported or offered new by Reliance Electric. If you are on the search for a 65241-33A circuit breaker, then look no further than here. You can contact us by either phone or email if you happen to have any questions about the 65241-33A circuit breaker.
In most occasions, the 65241-33A circuit breaker is meant to be used as a replacement part of certain Reliance Electric drive systems and individual devices. The 65241-33A circuit breaker is a double pole version, meaning that it has two hot wires that connect with one neutral wires. By doing this, the 65241-33A circuit breaker’s two hot wires are tripped whenever there is a short circuit.
The 65241-33A circuit breaker is a small, cubic device. It has a large switch on its front side. When the switch is moved downward, then it is in the off position, as shown by the two large “OFF” labels that will appear. When the switch is moved upward, then it is in the on position, as shown by the two large “ON” labels that will then be visible.
The 65241-33A circuit breaker has an approximate weight of 0.45 lbs. or 0.20 kg., not including any packaging materials. This lightweight circuit breaker is ideal for use in fragile machinery where a heavier circuit breaker will cause damage to the larger system because of its weight.