About the 65241-37G
The 65241-37G unit is a single pole circuit breaker that was designed and manufactured under the Reliance Electric brand. Here at AX Control, we typically stock the 65241-37G circuit breaker and products related to it. If you would like to speak to an AX Control representative to check on the availability of the 65241-37G circuit breaker or ask any other questions that you have, you can contact us either by phone or by email.
The 65241-37G circuit breaker a small, rectangular device. On one of the long sides of the circuit breaker, there is a small switch that is used to turn the device on or off. On the other side, there are five prongs where the 65241-37G circuit breaker can be attached onto a circuit board.
On the side of the 65241-37G circuit breaker, there is a white label that details all of its specifications. The 65241-37G circuit breaker is rated as having a maximum voltage of 250 V and 50/60 Hz. The F.L. Amps rating is 13.5 A., while the Trip Amps rating is 16.9 A.
If you need a similar circuit breaker but with higher Amps ratings, consider the 65241-37E circuit breaker. It has the same maximum voltage and Hertz rating, 250 V and 50/60 Hz. However, the F.L. Amps rating is 30 A., while the Trip Amps rating is 37.6 A. If interested, you can use the link to find this product also on AX Control’s website.
The 65241-37G circuit breaker weighs about 0.16 lbs. or 0.073 kg.