About the 65241-76A
The 65241-76A module is a circuit breaker that Reliance Electric was responsible for developing and distributing. The 65241-76A circuit breaker can regularly be seen within AX Control’s stock, so if you are on the search for this particular product, then please give us a call or an email. Our sales representatives will help you with the purchasing process, such as telling you if this product is available and whether or not it is the best product for your facility.
The 65241-76A circuit breaker is a small double pole circuit breaker. It has a square shape to it with a white label adhered to the side. On the side of the 65241-76A circuit breaker, there is a small switch. When this switch is placed on the downward side, the whole device is turned off. When the switch is turned to the upward side, the whole device is turned off. On the opposite side of the device, there are two prongs where the 65241-76A circuit breaker can be connected to an applicable device.
On one of the larger sides of the 65241-76A circuit breaker, the large white label has the many varied specifications printed onto it. The F.L. Amp rating is 15, while the Trip Amps rating is 18.75. The maximum voltage is rated at 277 Volts at 50/60 Hertz. In addition to that, the delay rating is 21 and the circuit rating is 80.
The 65241-76A circuit breaker has a total weight of about 0.25 lbs. or 0.11 kg., although this total does not include packaging materials.