About the 864660-58R
The 864660-58R model is a rectifier stack that was developed and produced by the company Reliance Electric. The 864660-58R rectifier stack was made to be included in Reliance Electric’s MaxPak Plus series of drives and compatible products. If you are interested in purchasing a 864660-58R rectifier stack, then please give us a quick call or email. Our sales representatives can let you know if this product is currently in stock, if it is the best product for your facility, and how to begin the ordering process for this product.
The MaxPak rectifier stacks, the 864660-58R rectifier stack included, is designed as a three phase unit. The three phases that are gathered into this unit all possess the following features: two gate coupling cards, a thyristor pair with compatible heat sinks, metal oxide varistor suppression networks, RC dv/dt snubber units, and terminations for both load and line connections.Low current drives use stud type thyristors and the medium current drives use press pak type thyristors. In addition to that, medium current drives may be plugged into low current drives, but not the other way around.
As stated in the previous paragraph, the 864660-58R rectifier stack has two gate coupling cards on it. These gate coupling cards can be located at the very top part of the 864660-58R rectifier stack where it has two long cables that connect to a port in the middle section of the rectifier stack’s body. These gate coupling cards all have a large transformer on top as well as multiple resistors and capacitors to fulfill the card’s objectives. An example of a gate coupling card is the 0-51378-19 model, which can be found also on AX Control’s website. Click on the link for more information about this particular model.