About the 45C944
The product with the module number 45C944 is a 24 VDC input module that was created by Reliance Electric to be used within the Shark XL. The 45C944 input module can regularly be seen within our stock. You can check the availability of this device in our stock by looking on our website or by giving us a call or sending us an email.
The 45C944 input module has two other products that are closely related to it. The products have the model number 45C945 and 45C946. If you would like to learn more about the functions of this product and how to order it from AX Control, click on the links above to be taken to those pages on our website for all the information you need.
The 45C944 input module has eight channels and has a nominal voltage rating of 24 VDC. The input voltage can be anywhere from 21.6 to 26 VDC depending on the operation that the module is performing. The input current for this device is rated at 9 mA sourcing. As for the 45C944 input module’s operational states, the ON voltage rating is 19 VDC or higher and the OFF voltage rating is 7 VDC or lower. The input delay time for the 45C944 input module, both ON to OFF and OFF to ON is 4 milliseconds or lower. This device also has a total of three channels. The average current consumption rating for the first channel is 0.5 mA + the number of ON inputs x 0.5 mA. The average current consumption rating for the other two channels is 0 mA.