About the S12-Y02P6LK
S12-Y02P6LK is an AC SP120 drive that is manufactured by Reliance Electric. The output current is 2.6 A. The horsepower is 0.5 HP (0.4 kW) at 230 V. If there is an overcurrent fault while running, check the drive output for a short circuit, or check the motor for an excessive load condition. If there is an overcurrent fault during deceleration, check the drive output for a short circuit, or check the motor for an excessive load condition. If there is an overcurrent fault during acceleration, the acceleration time may be too short, or the manual boost setting may be improperly set. If there is an overcurrent fault at standstill, check for a ground fault at the output lines or the motor.
If there is an overvoltage fault, extend the deceleration time. If there is an EEPROM error, reset the EEPROM by resetting the defaults. If there is an undervoltage fault, there may be low voltage or line power interruptions on the incoming AC line. If there is a processor error, check the external wiring of the drive. If there is an external fault, remove the cause of the fault in the external wiring and clear the fault. If there is a ground fault, check the output terminals. If there is excess input voltage, check the incoming AC line. If there is an overtemperature fault, clean the heat sink fins, check the ambient temperature, check the fan, check for excessive load on the motor, and check for proper clearance distances between drives.