About the 1SU51003
1SU51003 is an SP500 drive that is manufactured by Reliance Electric. This drive has a 575 VAC and is enclosed in a NEMA 1 or chassis enclosure. The horsepower rating is 3.0 HP. For this drive, the linearity is 0.05 (speed reference to output frequency). The line dip ride through is 500 milliseconds. The long-term frequency stability is 0.01%. The minimum frequency range is 0.5-30 Hz, and the maximum frequency range is 30-240 Hz. The nominal maximum load is 150% for 1 minute and the overcurrent trip IET is 200% of the rated drive current. The motor lead lengths are 76 meters (250 feet) in total.
The drive has many customizable parameters. Parameter numbers F-23 through F-25 are Multi-Speed presets 1-3, for which the default settings are all 20 Hz and the range is the minimum speed to the maximum speed for all three presets. Parameter number F-26 is the Auto-Restart Number of Attempts, wherein the range is 0-10 attempts and the default setting is 0 (disabled). Parameter number F-27 is Auto-Restart Retry Wait Time (seconds), wherein the range is 1-30 seconds and the default setting is 1 second. Parameter number F-28 is the Drive Voltage Selection, which is a parameter that is set at the factory and must not be changed. Parameter number F-29 is the Analog Output Select, for which the default setting is SPd and the other options are LOAd, UOL, and rEF. Parameter number F-49 is the Version Information, which is read only.