About the 8020-SCP-522
8020-SCP-522 is a Model 500, 4K Processor with RAM that is manufactured by Square D. CPU/LI errors on the processor fall into the 30000-32700 range. The second and third number can be replaced by 00 to 27.
00 is a status register read/write parity error.
01 is an image RAM read/write parity error.
02 is an internal register data error.
03 is an illegal PROM format.
04 is an illegal opcode encountered in RUN.
05 is a bus error signal error.
06 is a software watchdog error.
07 and 08 are not used.
09 is a user memory read/write parity error.
10 means there is illegal data in the user memory.
11 means that the PROM memory is corrupted.
12 is an illegal addressing map code.
13 means that the transmission error exceeds tolerance.
14 means that there is a loss of transmission.
15 means that there are more external I/O registers assigned than the module can handle.
16 means that there are too many registers assigned to the drop.
17 means that the module is addressing more than 8 drops per channel.
18 means that the addressing number of channels exceeded the module capabilities.
19 means that there is an addressing map checksum error.
20 means that there is a bus error (watchdog timeout).
21 is a BPU diagnostic error.
22 means that the parity circuit is non-functional.
23 means that there is a clear line error.
24 is an executive scratch RAM error.
25 is a watchdog tolerance error.
26 is a hardware diagnostic error.
27 means that the module is inactive.