About the 8030-CRM-214
The Sy/Max Class 8030 Type CRM 214 Local Acromag Interface Module enables locally or remotely located Acromag Series 6000 Multiplexers to pass data to a Sy/Max Model 300, 400, 500, 600, or 700 processor.
The Local Acromag Interface contains a total of 512 registers for I/O and data functions. Of these, the first 256 can be assigned as analog I/O points referenced to the Series 6000 Multiplexer. Each register is associated with a single analog I/O point. The remaining registers can be used for data functions.
The 8030 Type CRM-214 Local Acromag Interface Module has LEDs to assist with troubleshooting. The LEDs indicate diagnostic information such as the status of the communication link and module operation. Also, the Local Acromag Interface Module contains dedicated diagnostic and control registers.
These registers contain detailed information regarding system operation and component or system malfunction. This information is accessible by programming equipment or can be used in the control program to drive visual annunciators or alarms.
Insert the 8030 Type CRM-214 Local Acromag Interface Module in the rack containing the Sy/Max processor. The rack supplies the electrical power for the module. Locate the Series 600 Multiplexer in the desired remote or local location.