Check out our list of Schneider Square D SyMax Class 8020 fault codes.
We offer these codes for those who would like to have more information about typical machine errors that may occur on your current equipment. Feel free to print out this list for quick reference. And if you need us, remember our team is here to assist with fast and professional repairs.
SyMax Class 8020 Model 300
The Symax Model 300 error codes will display on a connected CRT screen.
Error code | Description |
01 | Illegal protocol opcode, the SY/MAX device does not recognize the instruction |
02 | Illegal intermediate code format. |
03 | An illegal address has been attempted.SY/MAX device does not contain the requested register(s). |
04 | Illegal rack addressing has been attempted. Attempt was made to incorrectly edit rack addressing |
05 | 1. An instruction has been attempted which is not supported in this type processor (Example: square root calculation attempted in Model 300 processor.) 2. Incorrect mode set for NIM port connected to a processor (receiving device). Mode set for 8881 mode or peripheral mode. 3. In a Nel-to-Net link, the two NIMs have different address settings (on thumb-wheels), or link is between ‘0’ port on one and ‘l’ port on the other. |
06 | Unable to find the searched-for item. |
07 | An attempt has been made to alter data in a protected register |
08 | An attempt has been made to access protected memory |
09 | An attempt has been made to alter data in a READ ONLY register or a register containing external inputs |
10 | An attempt has been made to exceed memory limitations |
11 | Communication Error. Sy/Max Device went into an overflow condition |
12 | Illegal CPU rack addressing. Attempted rack address is incompatible with processor hardware |
13 | Communications error (link error.) |
14 | Operation not allowed to run. |
15 | Communications overflow. |
16 | The register count in a communication rung is too large for the processor. |
17 | Unable to establish communications to remote Sy/Max Device. |
18 | The rung number used is not allowed |
19 | An illegal READ parameter has been assigned |
20 | Channel number in a communication rung is too large for the processor. |

SyMax 8020 Model 400
The Symax Model 400 makes use of an enhanced print rung format allowing the user to input ASCII-coded data. Error codes typically appear within the Status Register.
Error Number | Description |
11 | The model is not capable of properly handle incoming characters due to demands from other interrupts |
13 | Parity error |
15 | Framing error, typically caused by word structure issues or baud rate |
17 | Termination occurred before full ASCII string was received. The results from the CPU going to halt, or bit 16 of Register 8099/8100 being set. If the latter, the buffers in line for ASCII input are cleared |
19 | Buffer overflow. The 256 character buffer was filled before the terminating character was received. |
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